You Get What You Pay For! – A Hypamovers Nightmare Story

Chiasom was trying to help her mother – Nancy, move some furniture out of her home. She had realized she had no use for the big space and planned to spend more time traveling and visiting her children and grandchildren.

Nancy had some valuable antique furniture and paintings and needed the items relocated to a storage facility. Chiasom had opted to find a reputable, moving company but Nancy insisted that using professional movers was a waste of time.

“Just get a roadside truck and supervise it. Those movers are a waste of money!”, Nancy said to her daughter. Chiasom grudgingly obliged and went out to get a roadside truck and a few labourers to help with the move.

As the items were about to be moved, Chiasom realized they had nothing to put over the items to protect them. She had to scurry about looking for old blankets and bed sheets to help protect the delicate furniture. Next, she had to deal with the glass and ceramic items and had to find ways to protect them. She also had to painstakingly instruct the labourers on how best to safely move many of the items.

The move seemed to be progressing until she heard a loud crash. Rushing to the back of the van she found a glass-cased shelf and an antique console table shattered all over the ground! The items had not been securely fastened in the truck and slipped off. Chiasom was devastated and visibly upset and had to figure out a way to tell her mother.

While trying to find out who was responsible, one of the labourers spoke up. “Things break all the time now! Na part of our business be dat! You no know when you call us?” Chiasom was speechless and could only recall the conversation with her mother Nancy, when the decision was made to go with a road side mover. She regretted giving in to her mother’s advice, which had cost her time, money and most importantly some invaluable artifacts that may very well be irreplaceable.

“Things break all the time now! Na part of our business be dat! You no know when you call us?”